Iowa City Owl

Apple may be set to take on the gaming worldMar 29, 13 5pm

It may be just a rumor, but regardless, the rumor is that Apple, Inc., the famous makers of so many devices that are top of the line, has made a decision to take on the gaming world with the creation of a brand new dedicated gaming controller.

Iowa City joins the marriage equality movementMar 29, 13 5pm

Recently all over the United States, the talk has been about marriage equality. Now, Johnson County and Iowa City have decided to play a part in that discussion as Johnson County officials voted on their position in the discussion.

Amazon Acquires GoodreadsMar 28, 13 10pm

Amazon has announced that they have bought one of the leading social reading services, Goodreads. Amazon has recently acquired Goodreads, which boasts over 16 million members and a catalogue of more than 360 million books, in which they are adding 22 million more each month.

Apple Buys WiFiSlam For $20MMar 25, 13 9am

It has been recently reported that Apple has bought the indoor GPS, WiFiSlam, for $ 20M. The report from the Wallstreet Journal stated that Apple paid $20M to acquire WifiSlam. WifiSlam is an indoor GPS which allows your smartphone to point its location (and the location of your friends) in real-time to 2.

Second Iowa DOC inmate dies in less than a weekMar 24, 13 10pm

A second of two Iowa City Department of Corrections inmates has died within a matter of days, according to an announcement on Both deaths are being investigated by departments of the state. [ads]The Iowa Department of Corrections announced that a 21-year-old inmate died yesterday of heart disease, making him the second of two deaths from the Iowa Department of Corrections in only a few days.

Zuckerberg looks at politicsMar 24, 13 1am

According to a recent story on, Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, has found a new outlet that has captured his attention: politics. [ads]Zuckerberg, now 28 years old, is the official CEO of Facebook and a billionaire.

Who Wants Smartwatches?Mar 24, 13 1am

Recently, rumors have been flying around about companies that will be introducing a brand new product to the market. They will be bringing about smartwatches, which are a combination of smartphone technology and wrist wear.

Iowa to Create JobsMar 24, 13 1am

Iowa was recently given an abundance of money for a good cause. This money will create many new jobs in various cities in Iowa, creating a burst in the economy. This money has been awarded by the state government.

Iowa City Man Kept Dog Waste Near ChildMar 24, 13 1am

A recent arrest by the Iowa City Police has led to a man facing a list of charges, including drug-related ones and child endangerment. [ads]Police were called to a mobile home belonging to 28-year-old Lyle Robert Hopkins in a park in August.

Netflix Launched Facebook IntegrationMar 17, 13 1am

The most popular internet streaming media, Netflix, recently announced their Facebook integration feature for users in the U.S., letting their subscribers to share what they are watching with their Facebook friends.
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