Iowa City Hears the Story of a War Prisoner

A recent story on the Daily Iowan told of an Iranian War Prisoner who has stepped forward to the University of Iowa and told her story about being falsely imprisoned in Iran for 100 days and her experience when she was there.

Roxana Saberi spoke Monday, Feb. 18 at the Ehglert Theater as part of the University of Iowa's Lecture Committee's spring lecture series. She told her story to the students and other attendants during the lecture.

As Saberi told attendants, she was imprisoned in 2009 in Iran after the government suspected her of espionage. Four government men issued her a letter in January telling her where she would be imprisoned until May of that year.

Saberi spent a total of 100 days isolated in an Iranian prison. She was kept for 5 weeks before she was allowed an attorney in very bad conditions. officials threatened her with 8 years before she gave a false confession.

During her speech, Saberi related her mentality that kept her going through it all. She stated that she tried to remain grateful for something every day in order to keep going each day.

Saberi also focused quite a bit during her lecture on human rights and injustice, urging people to stand up and speak out against injustice that they see happening. She noted that Iran is doing some small things to solve the issue, but still has an extensive amount of improvements to make. 

Students that attended the lecture had good things to say about the experiences of Saberi and how she managed to conquer them.
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