State of the Union Recap

President Obama addressed the nation this evening with the State of the Union speech. 

He focused on the discussion of our economy and creating jobs in the United States. Obama emphasized the idea that to improve our economy and to create more jobs, the nation needs to strengthen the middle class, which the President believes is the only way to keep a strong, improved economy. He had key questions that he believed need to be discussed:
1. How do we attract jobs within our country?
2. What do we do to make sure American workers have the skills to complete these jobs?
3. How can we make sure that this hard work always contributes to the economy?

In connection with creating more jobs, President Obama addressed the need for every young child to have access to the best preschools, so that education starts early with every child and encourages the importance of education. 

He also discussed the idea of investing in clean energy, detailing an “Energy Security Trust”, which would encourage “homegrown biofuels and similar resources”. As well, 2 billion dollars will be used to continue research studying the best resources that can be used within the nation, and without foreign oil and trade.

One of the most controversial plans that he discussed was that of gun regulation and creating safer environments for everyone, especially the children of America.

These plans include background checks for every person that purchases a weapon, which the president stated 92% of Americans agree should be a requirement. He wants to ban ammunition magazines and military-style assaults weapons, and focus on making schools safer for every child and young adult.

The last part of the plan includes increasing mental health services to all Americans. Senators will be launching a mental health dialogue within the next few weeks, which would discuss how best to create awareness about mental health, especially in the group of 16-25 year olds, which is the time that most develop mental health problems. They will also discuss the idea of training teachers to be more aware of mental health symptoms, as well as helping teachers create awareness with their students.
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