Marion Police to Get AR-15s

The Marion Police Department has made a decision that they will upgrade their firearms to AR-15s and will use some of their own money in order to achieve this, according to a recent post on

Police in Marion, Iowa, have decided to upgrade their weapons. They will carry AR-15s in addition to their regular weapons as an added defense.

The weapons cost $2,000, each, though, which is not something easily afforded by the police department. Therefore, the police have decided to throw in their own personal money in order to buy the weapons.

The plan is to take $55 from each paycheck for 18 months in order to allow the men that want them to pay for the guns on their own.

The decision was made so that the police force can be better prepared to defend themselves and handle the more heavily armed criminals that they will be up against. This decision was made in response to shootings that have involved semi-automatic weapons recently.

Half of the police force have made the decision to get the weapons, making roughly 25 men that will be carrying the semi-automatic weapons.

The city council approved of the decision by Marion to purchase the weapons with the stipulation that they will pay for the weapons themselves. The police department agreed to take the amount to pay for the weapons out of the paychecks.

The deductions will continue to be made until February 21 until the amount has been reached by the officers.
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