An Iowa City man is pushing for Iowa to require motorcycle helmets for riders. Lawmakers are saying that helmet requirements are a long shot.
Iowa City's own Bill Olin has organized a group in attempt to convince lawmakers to require motorcycle riders to wear helmets.
He has been approaching lawmakers since the early 2000s, but the death of a West High student who was riding a moped with no helmet last year caused him to try even harder.
Olin's goal comes from his medical background as a dental expert. He states that he saw many accidents because of lack of helmets from motorcycle riders. His own son was one of these that experienced a motorcycle accident. Olin points out that he survived only because he was wearing a helmet.
Most states have helmet law in place for motorcycle riders, but Iowa has none, and lawmakers don't have much faith in the success of his plans. State Representative Dave Jacoby believes that something needs to be done for minors, but adult helmets are not a concern.
There are some people that are in support of helmet laws in Iowa for adults. State Democratic candidates Sally Stutsman and Dick Schwab expressed their support of helmet laws for adult motorcycle riders in Iowa City.
Not everyone supports the idea of the helmet laws passing. There are even anti-helmet groups working against Olin to prevent helmet laws for adults from passing.
Olin is not discouraged by the lack of support or the lack of faith.
Iowa City's own Bill Olin has organized a group in attempt to convince lawmakers to require motorcycle riders to wear helmets.
He has been approaching lawmakers since the early 2000s, but the death of a West High student who was riding a moped with no helmet last year caused him to try even harder.
Olin's goal comes from his medical background as a dental expert. He states that he saw many accidents because of lack of helmets from motorcycle riders. His own son was one of these that experienced a motorcycle accident. Olin points out that he survived only because he was wearing a helmet.
Most states have helmet law in place for motorcycle riders, but Iowa has none, and lawmakers don't have much faith in the success of his plans. State Representative Dave Jacoby believes that something needs to be done for minors, but adult helmets are not a concern.
There are some people that are in support of helmet laws in Iowa for adults. State Democratic candidates Sally Stutsman and Dick Schwab expressed their support of helmet laws for adult motorcycle riders in Iowa City.
Not everyone supports the idea of the helmet laws passing. There are even anti-helmet groups working against Olin to prevent helmet laws for adults from passing.
Olin is not discouraged by the lack of support or the lack of faith.
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