Nuns to Protest Republican Proposals

It is not every day that nuns of the Roman Catholic church are seen in the political world, but that is exactly what has happened recently due to the fact that they disagree with recent GOP proposals.

A group of nuns from Iowa has decided to go on a 9-state tour in order to protest recent proposals that have come from the Republican party for the federal budget.

Sister Simone Campbell has organized the protest that was set to depart today from Des Moines and last for two weeks. It will finish on July 2 right at the center of the issue - Washington D.C.

The two-week protest tour will include visitations of a variety of different states, according to Social service agencies and offices of Congress members are all included in this tour's visitation spots.

The tour will protest Republican proposals for federal budget issues that have recently come about because, according to the nuns, the proposals are very harmful to the poor. The nuns believe they are protesting in favor of the poor that are at risk with budget decisions.

Nuns are known for being very vocal about major social issues according to the Vatican, but this political tour may be more unusual for them than most types of actions they tend to take.

Sister Campbell says that the tour's organization has no relation whatsoever to the opinions of the Vatican about nuns and the disapproval of how vocal they are about social issues that they encounter.

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