OPINION: Don't Worry, The Diploma's Not the End

Today, the University of Iowa celebrated thousands of students as they were awarded diplomas signifying their graduation in their particular field, to be greeted by friends and loved ones all with the same question: WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO NOW? 

It may feel like high school graduation all over again, yet this time you can't throw the easy response of "going to college", since you just did that. Sure, some of you may be going off immediately to grad school or are hired out to your dream career you just spent the last four to six years grinding away for, but it's a safe bet that most of you don't have a clue.

So, as a postgraduate a year out from school, with little intention at this moment to go back to the warm cradle of academia nor the harsh rigors of full-time employment, let me lay out a few nuggets of knowledge on how one should spend this period of 'figuring-it-out':

1.) RELAX. Think back, you've probably haven't had a time since you were four that there wasn't an adult hovering over your shoulder, demanding that you finish a project on time unless there be repercussions. Kinda scary. But you no longer have this. You're a free individual and by most accounts have jumped through all the hoops that'll ever be expected of you. From here on out, even if you fail miserably, you only have yourself to answer to, and the government as an easy scapegoat as why you couldn't possibly get a real job. Take time to consider what it is that YOU really want to do and know you have a lot of time to figure that out, school loan repayment notwithstanding. 

2.) QUIT YOUR DAY JOB. If you've had the same service job that paid for your weekend binges and extra pencils throughout your college career, it's about time to start something new. This is a period of refreshment, a time to switch up old patterns and make a new life for yourself. Be open to any opportunities which sound interesting to you, even if it sounds far away from what you went to school for. Not only will that give you life experience which will be invaluable to your main passions, it'll allow you to see there's infinite ways to work, survive, and contribute to society. This will also teach you what it is you DON'T want to do with your life. Go explore!

3.) MAKE SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF. Despite what your parents and other relatives may think, need not to happen overnight. Figure out what you love and do that until people recognize you for that. It will happen and there are many roads to take to make it happen. Though they may hem and haw about your direction, you really only have your heart as your guide, and you may as well have fun getting there. You've got the piece of paper proving you're successful in your field, now it is the time to forge your own path so that eventually you'll be known for your individual contributions. Just remember, be patient and smile often.

Without teachers to guide you, in a sense, you're real learning has just begun. No one can tell you where to go our how to get there, those must be discovered on your own. Trust in yourself, forgive your setbacks, and carry a sunny disposition. To quote my new favorite fictional hero, The Pirate Captain, "It's only impossible if you stop to think about it."

Good luck and much meandering!
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