Facebook Takes Interest in Organ Donation

Now, Facebook has joined the organ donation cause and started the campaign to save lives with a new feature for organ donors and those that want to be organ donors.

The new feature displays those that are registered organ donors if they want it to be displayed. Those that want to register can register as organ donors with this new feature as well.

It's not an add-on app: it comes as one of the Life Event options on every person's timeline.

The feature may not seem like much at all, but it has made a major impact on Iowa alone since it was launched May 1. Nearly 700 Iowa residents registered to be organ donors within the first 2 days of the application.

The number of people that are still registering is very high. About 25 more people a day still register to be organ donors. Creators are shocked at how well the application has worked.

The application is simple. If a Facebook user does not identify as a registered organ donor, then they are given the option to travel to another page where they can register to be an organ donor if they like.

Iowa has always been above the national average in percent of its population that are registered organ donors. This has only elevated their goals. They are contemplating using other forms of social media sites to spread the word about organ donation in the future.

Iowa has seen quite a bit of success already with the program through Facebook, but it is not the only state. This application, overall, has been very successful. Since its launch, the program has caused over 24,000 people to register as organ donors in a total of 44 reporting states.

Even though the increase is high, the goal is far from met. Donate Life America, the organization that is working with Facebook on the campaign, has a goal to gain 2 million organ donors.
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