Renowned Comic Artist Guy Delisle To Read at Prairie Lights

This Monday, April 30th, French Canadian comic artist, Guy Delisle, will read from his new book, Jerusalem: Chronicles from the Holy City. Following the style of his previous three books, Shenzhen (2000),  Pyongyang (2004), and Burma Chronicles (2007), Delisle again delivers a travelogue in comics form about his experiences in a foreign land.

Jerusalem recounts his family's and his own experiences in the Holy City as they lived there from 2008 to 2009. Delisle's wife is an administrator for Doctors Without Borders and became stationed there for the year. 

Delisle's drawing style and storytelling fit together to relay atmospheric settings: though the simple line work allows his characters to be universally translatable, the pacing of his vignettes and near constant monologue describing his thoughts he had at the time or information he later found out, crafts a comic that is deeply personal. Almost singularly, you feel that you are Delisle as he travels to some of the most exotic, and often troubled, places on the planet.


What really excites me about Delisle's comics is his character portrayal of himself, which is presumably true to the man himself. Removed from any political slant or religious bias or cultural stigmas, he is instead filled with an endless sense of wonder of the world and all its marvels and foibles. Combining that with a sharp sense of editing which rivals any documentary director, and also an impeccable eye for grey tones, his books are bound to be regarded as some of the best autobiographic comics ever.

I strongly suggest that you go to the public library and check out his catalog. They don't take long to read, but some of the images will stay with you for a long time. And then come here him read at Prairie Lights Bookstore, on Monday, April 30th at 7pm. 
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