Study Shows Drinking Helps Creativity

Let it be known that I drink daily. I love alcohol, from wines and beers, to liquors and liqueurs, and tote myself as a bit of a connoisseur, seeking out the best libations. Yet unlike the nefarious 'binge drinkers' which worry the administration of the University of Iowa, I was raised with an acute understanding of my own level of tolerance and how to make drunkenness a creative and positive experience. And now, thanks to researchers at the University of Illinois, I have scientific proof that drinking improves my cognizance. 

The researchers, led by psychologist Jennifer Wiley, created a drinking game for 40 men. Half were given two beers while the other half sadly went sober. The game involved listing off three words and having the men come up with a fourth. So words like 'race, box, and go' could be replied with the word 'car.' 

The results showed that those who had the two drinks, with an approximate 0.07 blood alcohol content solved 40% more problems than those who were dry. In addition, the sloshed ones solved the questions, on average, around three seconds faster than the others.

Wiley commented that though memory recall goes down slightly with the two drinks, creative thinking improves.

This is probably why I usually feel more confidant in my creative endeavors, such as drawing or writing these articles, after I've put back a few. 

Turns out British comedians David Mitchell and Robert Webb were right all along.

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