Defining the Priestess, the Undefinable

 Sometimes in my life there are questions that I need answered that a scholar cannot give, guidance which a psychiatrist cannot help me with, or healing which a doctor cannot prescribe. There are ailments or troubles which run deeper than the physical body, and lessons to be taught of which academia and science still find a mystery. When afflicted by these stirrings of the soul, I visit a woman who now calls herself 'Jana' but whom I've always known as a High Priestess. Today, after a particularly insightful Thoth Tarot reading, I interviewed her about her spiritually-based life.

"The High Priestess is about giving one's life to channeling what comes from the Other Side. 

"I am an actress, a performer, a Sacred Player. It is difficult to define what I do with a rational mind since the rational mind needs a name to be real, and I am always changing my name. I get new business cards every three months!" she laughs. "I am a shapeshifter, What I do constantly changes in order for me to heed the call." 

"To not transform is death for me. My power source is like a waterwheel for energy: being active, in motion, creates the current. If I stop, the current stops, and that is death for me. I try to be constantly in the flow, not just for me but for the good of the planet. This is my role. What I constantly am, however, is a shaman."

She told a me a little of how she started down this path. "Up to when I was twenty, I was in a lot of pain for a long time. This pain eventually drove me toward cannabis, then towards becoming a healer. Once healed enough, I started to get the assignment." 

I asked her what was her next transformation and she replied, "Currently, I am a mother, the Goddess, an artist. What I'm transforming into is an international superstar performance artist.  That is what the signs are telling me and I'm figuring out how to manifest that. I am scared shitless every step of the way. When you plan big, the small details can make you crazy, yet things will always align naturally."

As for a point of influence she mentioned Bashar the Messenger's statement: "Follow your highest excitement." In her notebook she has two more quotes by him:

"It's the excitement that tells you that's the next thing you need to do and it's the excitement in the simple things that tells you what simple things are actually connected to the bigger things that excite you, and will actually get you there in what may seem to be a roundabout manner, but by following the excitement is actually the shortest, fastest, straightest path."

"Excitement is its own self contained kit and its own driving engine."

Jana is currently preparing a public ritual to 'free us from the control of money' which she plans to perform downtown on May 1st. 

"When I say something about myself, it's already changing. This has caused some people to see me as flaky, ungrounded, or a hypocrite. But what I'm doing is to teach through example for others to surrender to the truest self in the moment."

If you're having difficulty rationalizing Jana's message and her lifestyle, remember to let go of rationality when it comes to spirituality. "Tune in, and you'll find your direction."

You can find out more about Jana's path and message at the following websites:
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